I've always heard that the way to survive a bear attack is to punch it in the nose. Seems logical. If you get punched in the nose, you are at least taken back for a moment. But I'm not really sure where that came from. I mean, who actually knows that if you can punch a bear in the nose, he/she will run away. It probably just means that you are delaying the inevitable. But....I can tell you this. If I get attacked by a bear, I am going to do my dog-gone best to punch it in the nose. Why? That's all I know to do.
That's how we respond to many things isn't it. We don't know what to do. How to respond. We aren't prepared. When you look at the circumstances of life, and the situations that arise, often people (including myself) aren't prepared. The idea here is that we should be strong in our relationship with God. We KNOW that Satan will attack. We KNOW that bad things will happen in this world because it is fallen. We KNOW that there is sin. We KNOW that Satan comes to steal, and kill, and destroy. The question is.....are you ready to punch bear in the nose?
Live ready. You know it's coming.
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